
GHRSST Science Team meetings

Other GHRSST events

5 November 2024, Marine User Days

Join GHRSST Science Team member at the Marine User Days On November 5, from 14:00 to 17:00, Rosalia Santoleri will represent GHRSST during the parallel session panel discussion on Climate [...]

External events

5 – 7 December 2023, The 8th S3VT Meeting

Save the Date! December 5 to 7 2023 -  8th Sentinel-3 Validation Team Meeting in Darmstadt, Germany. The meeting is hosted by EUMETSAT and co-chaired with ESA. GHRSST is represented [...]

COSPAR 2024, abstract deadline mid-February 2024

45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events “COSPAR 2024”, 13-21 July 2024, Busan, South Korea Abstract Deadline: mid-February 2024   Host Organizations: Ministry of [...]

COSPAR 2023 abstract deadline 31 Dec 2022!

5th Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR):  Space Science with Small Satellites “COSPAR 2023”,  16-23 April 2023, Singapore Abstract Deadline: 31 December 2022 Host Organizations: Nanyang Technical University [...]

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