Short Introduction

GHRSST pioneered a Regional/Global Task Sharing Framework (R/GTS) which uses a scientifically and technically feasible strategy to acquire existing SST data products, add additional information and create a new generation of products in a common format.

In 2022, a new system based on the decentralisation of data ingestion and distribution was designed to prepare GHRSST for future growth and facilitate the integration of new data producers. The framework is illustrated below and is extensively described in the “GHRSST R/G TS System Architecture (GSA)” report. In this new system, two entities are involved: the data producers (GDPs) and the distributing centres (DACs).

The GHRSST central catalogue is hosted on the GHRSST website and is maintained by the GHRSST Project Office (GPO): it functions as a central catalogue for all GHRSST datasets with a collection of level metadata, and federated search and discovery services. The portal allows SST users to discover and search all GHRSST products and granules with no need to know the data producer or distributor. The implementation of the central catalogue was initiated in 2022, supported by EUMETSAT and Copernicus.

All DACs have agreed to provide metadata to the central catalogue. The DACs’ level of readiness to provide data access (e.g., HTTP(S), FTP, THREDDS, and OpeNDAP) and granule search (OpenSearch) services have been verified. Most of the DACs can provide HTTP(S) and OpenSearch services. Each DAC implements a minimum set of services for granule data access, search and discovery, production/distribution metrics and long-term archiving.

List of the data producers (GDPs) and the distributing centres (DACs).

The lists below are currently under revision (February 2024). Please get in touch with the GHRSST Project Office if you wish to contact the representatives of these organisations.

Data producers (GDPs)  

  • Japan Meteorological Agency
  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA
  • Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction
  • UK Met Office
  • US Naval Oceanographic Office
  • NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO)
  • Satellite Application Facility on Ocean and Sea Ice, OSI-SAF
  • Ifremer/CERSAT
  • Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  • Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service
  • Danish Meteorological Institute
  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Distributing centres (DACs)

  • Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA
  • Ifremer/CERSAT