Monday 5th June 2017 –
Friday 9th June 2017


Qingdao, China


See below.

The meeting, hosted and sponsored by the Ocean University of China, and co-sponsored by the National Ocean Satellite Application Center K. C. Wong Education Foundationwas held to bring scientific and operational SST users and producers together to review progress and achievements of SST science and applications within the GHRSST framework. The meeting was open to SST experts and the application community actively involved in SST science and applications.



Plenary Session I: Introduction


Plenary Session II: Applications


Plenary session III: Product developments


Plenary Session IV: Surface fluxes


Plenary Session V: Sampling


Plenary Session VI: Climate

  • Baker-Yeboah, Sheekela, Pathfinder version 5.3 AVHRR Level-2 processed global sea surface temperature, https://zenodo.org/record/5118804
  • Minnett, Peter, Long-term global time series of MODIS and VIIRS SSTs, https://zenodo.org/record/5118821
  • Merchant, Christopher, Progress towards V2.0 SST CCI climate data record
  • Saux Picart, Stéphane, OSI SAF sea surface temperature reprocessing of MSG/SEVIRI archive, https://zenodo.org/record/5118847
  • Høyer, Jacob, Generating an SST climate data record from passive microwave observations, https://zenodo.org/record/5118847
  • Marullo, Salvatore, Long-term changes in the Northwestern Atlantic and Mediterranean SSST from 1982 To 2016: A contribution of the operational oceanography to the determination of the present-day climate


Plenary Session VIII: In situ


Closing Session